Welcome to Day 1,135.
Today is an eventful day for site news, so let's begin.
First up, part 3 of Go Go, New York Rangers! has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar, while parts 10 & 11 of The Sword Of Irony and parts 1 & 2 of Go Go, New York Rangers! have all moved to Inflindication.
Despite thirteen consecutive days (July 20, 2021 through August 1, 2021) of no Nog Reports, there was at least one website update on each of those days. To find out what they were, simply go to this page.
The Twitter Tuesday page has updated. For more information, please go to that page.
The span tracker within the parenthesis on the Nogchives page has updated.
Bloopers has updated, as has its manual counter.
In Weekly Widget Pages widget news, there will be no activity for that widget until possibly September 27, 2021, due to possible upcoming re-organization on this website.
In news that didn't happen, the G-Status page didn't update, due to both Steve Kaycee and the interviewee still being somewhat far apart from completing their Q&A session.
And finally in Land Of Infusion news, the tentative guaranteed Two Thous-Ton spot that was revoked from Chocolat has been awarded to Luca, as the latter of those two movies passed its assessment.
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.